The value of a long walk
What a year 2023 has been, Dan Horton and I started Think Big Code Small, I took on a larger professional role, and sat by my wife’s side as she battled (and crushed) breast cancer. Being off the last few weeks of the year always gives me time to reflect and consider what I can do to be better going into next year.
With my new found free time I have also been trying to get back into running and walking more. Sometimes I listen to podcasts (you should check ours out sometime) but more often than not I tend to just let my mind wander into whatever topic it finds interesting.
Its crazy how often I can come up with interesting topics to write about, finally solve a problem, or come up with a new way to tackle an issue that is in front of me. Its funny how just about every year I come to the same conclusion… giving your mind space to think is incredibly powerful. I should totally do this more often!
But as the meetings pile up, stress kicks in, or jumping on another flight just seems to get in the way. There are impediments in front of all of us that keep us from freeing up the mental capacity it takes to be creative and truly make change.
The trick is to figure out how to get these blockers out of the way. For me its running/walking and being able to turn my brain off for a minute. For you, maybe its yoga, hiking, puzzles, or who knows what else. Having a lower cognitive load will help you across all aspects of life both personal and professional.
Find what works for you and don’t forget to do it.
I am not trying to be some agonizing LinkedIn life coach guru here… they are just obnoxious. Its just SOOOOO easy to forget some of these things. I feel like every year I learn the same lesson and by every April I have completely forgotten.
Don’t be an idiot like me. Take care of yourself this year. Future you will thank you.
Also don’t forget to check out our Podcast! You can find all of our episodes here or on any major podcast hosting service like Apple or Spotify.